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GCSE Maths Equivalency Tests

The GCSE Maths Equivalency Exams enable prospective teachers/midwives and nurses to gain access onto their initial training courses without needing to go back into education and getting their GCSEs. Here at Ilkley Tuition, we are now pleased to offer you the opportunity to sit these GCSE Maths Equivalency tests through us. 


Nationwide there are many providers for GCSE Equivalency Maths tests, however here we highly recommend A Star Equivalency Testing. This is due to their variety in services and also their reliability. They have been a leading testing body that are recognised through many different course providers since 2002. 

A Star offers options: Exam Only (includes lowest cost exam, online exam & certificates) and Exam & Course (including lowest cost exams, online exams, certificate, revision guide, revision cards and mock papers with their mark scheme). 


A Star Equivalency offers their GCSE Maths Equivalency exams in both Higher and Foundation formats depending on whichever you think you would do your best in/whatever your course provider may choose to have as their minimum requirement (so check before booking!). For the Foundation exam, the highest grade possible to achieve is a Level 5. For the Higher exam the possible achievable grades range from Level 3 to 9. 


The grade boundaries for the Foundation and Higher level exams are as follows:


Foundation Tier Maths Equivalency Exam Grade Boundaries 


  • Grade 4 (low C) (55% to 74%) Grade 5 (75% to 100%)

Higher Tier Maths Equivalency Grade Boundaries are as follows:

  • Grade 4 (25 to 34%)   9 mark band 25 to 34 marks inclusive

  • Grade 5 (35 to 43%)   9 mark band 35 to 43 marks inclusive

  • Grade 6 (44 to 54%) 11 mark band 44 to 54 marks inclusive

  • Grade 7 (55 to 68%) 14 mark band 55 to 68 marks inclusive

  • Grade 8 (69 to 82%) 14 mark band 69 to 82 marks inclusive

  • Grade 9 (83 to 100%) 18 mark band 83 to 100 marks inclusive

Once you have decided which tier to take, you can start preparing for your GCSE Maths Equivalency Exam. Whether this is through A Star Equivalency’s exam course or using a highly recommended provider of exam help and prep like Maths Made Easy. The GCSE Maths Equivalency follows the same specification as the Edexcel Maths GCSE, so all resources are interchangeable and topic lists are readily available to ensure that you are as prepared as you could possibly be for every potential topic that will appear. 


Part of the preparation includes past paper revision, so you will be ready for the layout of your actual GCSE Maths Equivalency Exam: a 2 hour online exam where you will sit 2 1 hour papers back to back. Paper 1- Non Calculator and then, Paper 2 - Calculator (both worth 50 marks each). When taking the exam, you will be taking it online. However, this by no means that you will be at a higher advantage as all of our online exams require a webcam, strong internet connection so you can be invigilated by a qualified invigilator as if you were in a school exam hall! Upon completing your GCSE Equivalency Maths exam, you will receive your results via email within 10 working days or 72 hours if you pay for the fast track option. 


We hope that our recommendations will help you with your decision whether the GCSE Maths Equivalency exams are suitable for you or not. Even if they are and you think you will require extra help with revision/timetabling, our tutors here at Ilkley Tuition are qualified in just that! Please feel free to contact us if you want to book in your exam or head straight over to the A Star Equivalency page and book yourself in using their easy to use booking system. (Top Tip : the more organised you are, the cheaper the course!)

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