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GCSE Biology Tutors in Ilkley

From evolution to inheritance, the GCSE Biology course has many core Biology topics in there but has been made much more difficult with the introduction of many changes to the GCSE Science curriculum. With more Maths, data, graph and application questions in the exams, many students are finding the GCSE Biology specimen papers difficult. With the first exams being sat in 2018 it will be interesting to see how low the grade boundaries go, they were as low as 18% for a level 4 in GCSE Maths last year and it appears that the new GCSE Biology exams are going to be equally as tough. As there is no longer any coursework it means that the terminal exams are even more significant. At Ilkley Tuition our GCSE Biology tutors are fully aware of all the changes that have taken place and are confident that we can prepare our pupils better than anyone else. We know how important practising the application of Biological knowledge will be in the 2018 exams which is why we are preparing all of our students with comprehensive practise questions and exam style content which can be found through our chosen resource site, Maths Made Easy. Therefore if you are searching for a GCSE Biology tutor in Ilkley contact Ilkley tuition today and we will happily help.

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