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Functional Skills Level 2

A Functional Skills Level 2 qualification is equivalent to a GCSE Grade C/Level 4, making it widely accepted by Universities, apprenticeships and employers across the UK. This Ofqual-regulated qualification is perfect for those who did not achieve a passing grade at GCSE but want to further their career or explore higher education routes. This qualification is also perfect for people who earned their qualifications overseas, which may not be recognised by the UK education system.

The Maths and English Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications are designed to develop your knowledge and skills. Unlike most GCSE qualifications, the Functional Skills resources help you implement these concepts into your daily life. The GCSE specification tends to be more abstract, whereas Functional Skills reflect real-life scenarios and is more relatable. Due to this, many learners have found Functional Skills easier to grasp and understand. Furthermore, the Functional Skills exams offer more flexibility as learners from all backgrounds can earn their qualifications all year round. This is perfect as it allows people to pursue their career and education goals, unlike GCSE examinations, which are limited and only held in May and November.

The government does fund some of the courses, making them free of charge for those who meet the requirements. To be eligible for the free courses, some of the criteria includes being in full-time education and aged 19 and below. Unfortunately, there are fewer adult routes. While there are apprenticeship programmes, most people will need to fund their own qualifications. At Ilkley Tuition, we recommend Pass Functional Skills. They are a trusted and experienced provider who offer the cheapest Online Functional Skills Level 2 courses and exams.


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