Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Practice Tests PDF
In this we will be explaining the different resources we offer, all of which will help you prepare for your Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Online Exam (which will be Ofqual regulated).
Firstly are your past papers, which are our most popular resource for students taking their maths exam. For your convenience, we also offer these papers online, alongside a video we provide of the marking scheme. While the online papers do not store your answers, the marking scheme will allow you to grade what you have done. This will allow you to see where you have gone wrong, as well as knowing where you need to improve.
There are also 20 practice papers for you to revise from, all of which are formatted the same as the Maths exam. This ensures that you will be best prepared for the real thing. We also deliver these practice papers to your door, so there is no need to worry about printing. They will come alongside their own marking scheme, allowing you to check your answers. Further helping to improve your skills before your exam.
Lastly, we also provide pre-assessments, which are Functional Skills Maths practice tests. Created to show you what topics need improvement. Meaning you can optimise the time you have by focusing on revising the topics you are weak in.